Welcome to an extended exploration of ‘Dreams’ from my Self-Discovery Inspirational Cards deck. Last week in the live video (which you can view here) we did a meditation connecting to the energy or our dream/goal and brought our attention to what is holding us back from moving forward or achieving our dream.

Dreams - Harness the energy of your dreams.

Today this card is a reminder about the joy, excitement and energy that can come about or be connected to our dreams/ideas/goals.

Dreams can generate passion and excitement, thinking about what it would feel like for our dream to come true, can fill us with excitement and joy at the possibility.

This is the energy this card is referring to today, to harness that excitement and joy (or however it resonates for you, perhaps peace or flow), and look at ways to use that energy to help you to move forward with your dream/goal/idea.

When I refer to ‘dream’, it can be something major or something smaller, a project or a position you would like to be in, anything really, ‘dream’ can encompass so much.

What is a dream that you have for yourself? When you connect to your inner voice, what do you find there?

Once you identify your dream, look for ways to make it happen, to see if you can realise this dream to the full. Patience, perseverance and a positive outlook may be required here!

Sometimes as we journey on our path to full-fill our dream, we may find that things occur differently than we had originally thought/planned, this is OK, this can be good, be adaptable, be flexible, flow with the journey of following your dreams and acknowledge the small steps as well as the big. Remain open to your dreams occurring in un-thought-of ways, checking in always with your inner voice, checking that internal compass for what feels right for you.

Since this card came up last week, I have really been contemplating what my dreams are, I have noticed a slight change and a feeling of being open to new possibilities and goals that I didn’t think would be a realistic option for me. There are some short-term dreams I am working towards whilst opening up my idea of my longer-term dreams and keeping open to the possibilities before me!

I wish you well connecting to your dreams in the week ahead and harnessing this energy to help propel you forward on your journey!

If you are really enjoying the artworks and messages of my Self-Discovery Inspirational Cards and would like to have a deck of your very own (or gift one to a friend), visit my store.

Sharing Light, Love and Smiles